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HomeChina Four Seasons ATV- Snowmobile Club

China Four Seasons Club located in South China Maine is a club for ATV and Snowmobile riders as a gateway to the outdoors, family, and friends.
The club was founded as the result of a merger between the old China Lake Association and the China Region Snowmobilers in 1970. The clubhouse, erected on the 7-acre lakefront property in 1976, fulfilled the dreams of both organizations and has been the center of the club’s various activities. Since then, the clubhouse has been enlarged to include a restroom and kitchen area. Also a larger parking area, a larger beach/dock area, and larger waterfront picnic area have been added/upgraded to the property.
In 2000 the club became a multi-use sportsmans club by incorporating an ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) riders section to it membership.

2023 Club Officers- 
President-Tom Rumpf- 416-2070-
Vice Pres-Darrell Wentworth- 649-7432- darrellw1975@gmail,com
Treasurer-Cheryl Bulmer- 
Secretary- Kim MacKenzie
Trail Master- Bernie Stubbs-